The Airstar Sirocco Range
Construction - area (scene) lighting
Traffic control - roadworks - paving
first responders - search & Rescue - Safety
Safer for crew. Safer for motorists. Easily moved.
LIGHt TOWERS. BAG LIGHTS. moon lights. luna lights.
Whatever you call them.
They are the Airstar Siroccos. By the inventors of balloon lights, manufactured in France.
Compact & lightweight.
Quick to deploy.
Hot re-strike.
High output, high quality light.
easily moved.
Energy efficient.
Run from 1kva generator.
360 degree diffusion.
Practically shadow-free.
can be hand-held.
The Redtech 700 LED - Our most popular light.
We supply to government agencies and a range of industries.
- NSW Fire & Rescue
- QLD Fire & Rescue
- Urban Search & Rescue (USAR)
- Sydney Trains, Sydney Water
- Fulton Hogan
- Boral Amery Ventia
- Jacobs E&C
- Leightons
- Downer EDI
- Traffic Management companies
- Paving companies
- Hire companies
- Local councils
We are happy to arrange an on-site demonstration where possible.
NSW Police standard scene lighting.
M4 motorway in Sydney, routine Random Drug testing.
With 2 x 600w LED's, each mounted on adjustable tripod and powered by 1kva. Safer for crew, safer for motorists.
More detail.
Available in 100v to 240v so can be used with European and American paving machinery.
500w LED light weighs only 12kg when stored in container.
Less than 1 minute to deploy : pull from container, position on tripod, zip envelope, plug into power. Light inflates and automatically switches on.
To deflate, unzip and the light will automatically turn off and deflate. Let it cool a few minutes before re-packing.
Instant re-strike. Warm to the touch, never hot.
In wind - we suggest our heavy duty adjustable tripod, with sand bags positioned on the cross bars when required. Stands can also be pegged.
No need to position as high as "point source" lights as there is no glare.
With multiple LED chips, each light has a redundancy factor.
Sales only - we do not hire.